Jemmett Road
Ashford TN23 4QA
A day of multicultural events, world music, dance, world food, world bazaar, music and dance workshops and arts/crafts activities for kids with different artists from around the world.
A free Festival with stalls and food you can purchase.
Programme will be uploaded very soon.
Book online to win a free food voucher or a couple of bottles of wine in our draw.
Travelling to the festival:
By foot: If you are coming from Ashford town centre please either walk over the footbridge next to Picture House on Elwick Road and cross the road and follow the path into Victoria park. The festival is next to the fountain.
By car: If you are travelling by car you would need to park on one of the residential roads around the park or in the Bowling Club’s car park.
By train: The closest train station is Ashford International and it is a 10 min walk from there down past Aldi and its on the opposite side of the road to Aldi. There is a footpath going into Victora Park to the fountain end of the park
By bus: There are public buses that go into Ashford and into the main station and also down Elwick Road which will bring you into town very close to Victoria Park. Please check the schedule as it varies on Sundays and may be less frequent.
T OILETS – please note the toilet block is closed for refurbishing. There are portaloos available and you can also use toilets in Aldi, and in County Square which are 10 min away if you are walking, and also in the Designer Outlet (if you have a car)
If you would like to have a stall in one of our festivals please do email us. For stall space, or to sell and display arts, crafts, textiles and food please contact us directly, and we will send you a booking form. f you would like to have a stall in one of our festivals please do email us. For stall space, or to sell and display arts, crafts, textiles and food please contact us directly, and we will send you a booking form.
All donations are most welcome and would contribute towards performers’ fees. If you would like to make a donation please do so via paypal to our email address –
Details of programme will be on and also updated here.
There will be disabled access to the festival and toilets, and we will also have a BSL interpreter.
Less plastics and Zero wastage Policy – We are keen to reduce the use of plastics in festivals and you can help by bringing your own water flasks and cups. There will be a bar on site and wine, beer, cans of soft drinks, teas. coffees and food will be available to purchase. If you live nearby please walk, bicycle or take public transport rather than drive. There are toilets on site.