Diversity Arts Network – Diversity Training

August 15, 2020
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August 17 and 24th
2 – 3.30pm

Priti Paintal, chair of the Diversity Arts Network (DAN), has commissioned an introductory pilot workshop for members of the DAN. At a time when Black Lives Matter, and previously the Me Too movement, has put an even sharper focus on race and diversity issues, it is vital for all organisations to take a pro-active approach to race equality and broader diversity issues. The Covid-19 crisis has also brought into sharp relief these issues and many arts and cultural organisations face a time of great change and reset.

To start this process for DAN members, some of whom may already be addressing these issues, whilst other may be at the beginning of this journey, DAN has commissioned Kamaljit Poonia a Diversity Consultant and Leadership Coach, to facilitate two one and a half hour workshops.

Purpose of workshops:

To understand and explore:

  • how bias – conscious and unconscious affects decision making and how this can result in discrimination
  • understand race, racism and being anti-racist
  • start to develop actions to take a proactive approach to race equality and diversity

Each workshop will last for 1.5 hours, and will be facilitated to enable discussion and learning. It is envisaged that there will be an ongoing programme for DAN members to develop this work over a period of time. This will be considered after the pilot workshops to see the best way forward.

  • Workshops will be held on 17th and 24th August 2020,
  • 2 – 3.30pm.
  • Please book early – we will have about 8-10 places for this training.
  • https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/diversity-arts-network-diversity-training-tickets-115627315413events@equatorfestival.com
  • Facilitator :The facilitator for these sessions will be Kamaljit Poonia, who is a Diversity Consultant and Leadership Coach.

Kamaljit has worked on ED&I issues for over 15 years. She had headed ED&I teams in local authorities (Camden and Bristol), been a Diversity Advisor in the Civil Service (Department for International Development, Cabinet Office) and headed the ED&I team at the University of Southampton. She is also a trained and practicing coach. For the last three years Kamaljit has worked as an independent consultant with clients across the Arts and Cultural sector, Local authorities, and busines sector. In 2018 she was presented with a top 100 Global Diversity and Inclusion Leaders Award at the Annual Global HRD conference in Mumbai.


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